February 26, 2013 by Emma

I’ve got Paris on my mind! I’m hoping to make it over there in March for my birthday. I went last term and loved it so much that I have to go back. Do you have any fun places for me to check out? I’d love to discover more of the city! In other news, spring is on its way! I found these intrepid little daffodils today and their cheery color are a nice change to the grey and drizzle of London lately.
This is my version of a go-to outfit: all black (like my soul, haha) with some sort of head covering to hide the fact that I haven’t washed my hair in far too long. It is mid-terms week after all! I had a literature exam this morning and after that had ended, I headed off to my favorite cafe to get a bit more reading done. I’m addicted to their Rooibos Chai. And now I really ought to get back to work on my essay!
PS- Hello to all my new visitors! I really appreciate all your comments, they make my day!

Category London, Outfits | Tags: | 16 Comments
February 20, 2013 by Emma

I just managed to catch the final day of London Fashion Week and I wish I had been able to make it earlier! It was such a great experience and while I didn’t get to check out any of the shows, the people-watching outside was more than worth it. There was such an energy about the whole of Somerset House, where the shows were held, and you could tell that something big was happening. Now I’ve just got to figure out a way of getting to NYFW next year! And I’ve figured out the trick for getting on street style blogs (aside from wearing as crazy an outfit as possible): you walk like you own the place, people will think you’re important. And being important means that you get your picture taken and clearly I love having my picture taken ;)
There were some pretty over the top get-ups, but a lot of black on black as well. You know, the typical NY fashion editor look. Trend wise, neon is seriously having its moment. Normally such bright colors aren’t really my thing, but I love it as an accent.
Also- I was interviewed about my thoughts on LFW Here at Dijon Vu (it doesn’t seem to work in firefox, but check it out in another browser!)

Category London, Photography | Tags: | 15 Comments
February 13, 2013 by Emma

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been living in London for more than a month already, it’s begun to feel like home so quickly. Tourists have already been asking me for directions, which I muddle my way through the best I can. In all seriousness, I love pretending like I’m a Londoner. It felt far too big at first, especially in comparison to Amsterdam, but getting to know the smaller boroughs has made it accessible. I’m rather in love with both Camden and South Kensington. My friend and I stumbled across the cutest little cafe in Camden the other day, Yumchaa, and we’ve already decided that it’s going to be our study spot. The Camden market is loads of fun, as well. Despite the horrid weather lately, we spent hours wandering the market and getting free samples of mulled wine ;) If anyone has any other recommendations for fun things to check out in, I’d love to hear them!
This is my first time wearing actual pants in ages! I don’t know what London is doing to me! But seriously, I do think the London cool girl style is rubbing off on me, at least I hope it is. I’ve been rather obsessed with velvet lately, and especially with this turban that I made the other day. Tutorial coming soon!

The Camden Lock Markets
Category London, Outfits | Tags: | 7 Comments