October 7, 2013 by Emma

I can’t believe it’s August already! This summer has flown by– I’ve been trying to make the most of it, though, and head out on lots of little adventures with my family and friends. One such adventure was a trip to Kailua’s newest farmers market. When I lived in Amsterdam, I really enjoyed heading to the weekly market to shop for fresh fruits and veggies (and let me tell you, haggling in Dutch is not easy!). It was great to get back in the market scene and support local! I grabbed a bunch of carrots more for their fabulous heads than any real necessity, but they made a great addition to my lunch salad.
Don’t tell anyone, but I totally brought the flowers in my bag with me as a photoshoot prop. You would not believe how many people complimented me on them and asked where they could get their own! I couldn’t very well say that it was all staged for my blog ;)

Category Hawaii, Outfits | Tags: | 20 Comments
July 25, 2013 by Emma

This past weekend I went to a vintage and collector’s expo at the Blaisdell Concert Hall. There were a bunch of different vendors from all over– a couple even flew in from Japan for the show. It was loads of fun, even though I did more window shopping than actual buying! I did enjoy perusing the jewelry and vintage prints– I grabbed a cute bracelet covered with Parisian landmarks and an Art Deco print. I got to enjoy one of my favorite past times, too: mentally decorating all my future houses!
I’ve been super busy with work for the past two weeks, but one of my best friends from school is visiting next week! I love showing people around and playing tourist for a bit. Do you guys have any fun plans coming up?

Category Hawaii, Outfits | Tags: | 17 Comments
July 2, 2013 by Emma

This blog seems to be witness to my many obsessions, first it was hats and now it’s blazers. What can I say, I find what I like and I stick with it! Other things I love include anything with animals on it, so this bag covered in little foxes is right up my alley. It’s a lovely little reminder of London as well, as I picked it up at the Battersea boot sale on my last weekend there- much thanks to Jazzabelle’s Diary for that recommendation!
I wore this for a little jaunt around Kailua town after grabbing brunch with some of my friends from high school. It was so great catching up with them. Even though I hadn’t seen them in months, it goes right back to the way it’s always been! We are all so different than we were back in high school– it’s really quite amazing how much we’ve changed! I guess that’s what growing up does to you. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but it’s still so interesting how some things work out. Does anybody else feel this way?
Happy 4th for all of you who live in the States! Tomorrow I’m going to decorate a float for the parade that I’m walking in on the morning of the 4th. It should be quite fun! What are you all up to?

Category Hawaii, Outfits | Tags: | 26 Comments
June 10, 2013 by Emma

When people think of Hawaii, they usually think of Waikiki, sandy beaches, and hula girls. While my hometown of Kailua certainly has its fair share of beautiful beaches, there’s so much more to Hawaii than the typical tourist traps. I love how many cute boutiques and lovely coffee shops there are to discover here on the Windward side!
I spent a couple of hours with a good book and a good friend the other day at one of my favourite’s, Chadlou’s. The iced coffee is delicious and I can’t resist anything served in a mason jar!

I’ve been reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn and I’m absolutely loving it! Have any of you read it? I’m on a bit of a Gillian Flynn kick after devouring Gone Girl earlier!
After grabbing coffee, I headed next door to Olive Boutique. I would gladly buy up the whole store, from the lovely striped dresses to the delicate bracelets. And don’t get me started on the decor– I’m seriously planning to DIY those floral Hello letters!

Category Hawaii, Outfits, Photography | Tags: | 26 Comments
May 24, 2013 by Emma

My mom and I went on a lovely picnic the other day. We were already over on the other side of the island so we thought we’d check out Moanalua Gardens which I hadn’t visited since I was little. It’s famous for the massive monkeypod tree, now known as the Hitachi tree. It was bought a couple of years ago by the Japanese company and apparently this has made it quite the tourist destination. As we wandered away from the bus loads of tourists, we stumbled across this fabulous abandoned home. I fell in love with it and was so tempted to ignore the keep out signs. It turns out that it used to be the vacation cottage of King Kamehameha V, so it’s probably best that I didn’t sneak in! I’ve gotten so used to exploring places in Europe that I forget that there are so many interesting places at home too. Do you have any local hideaways that you love to visit?

The famous tree!

I’ve been keeping quite busy this summer with two internships and I’ve been loving every minute of it! I’m basically working my dream job with Hawaii Red Style, an online fashion magazine. We’re hoping to launch in the next few weeks! I’ve been doing some writing, photo editing, and assisting with street style shoots. I feel like I’m in the Carrie Diaries (why is this show so addictive?!). I get so stressed every time I get dressed for work, though, as I want to look “fashiony” enough, haha. My other internship is with Social Wahines, a women’s business networking group. I’ve been getting to do some graphic design work and learn the ins and outs of running a business. I’m also working on starting an community event with my boss from Social Wahines– more on that to come! And I’ve been doing some modelling on the side. When I type this all out it does look like rather a lot, but I’ve been enjoying it so much that I can’t complain! What I like best about all these jobs are the interesting and wonderful people I’ve met and work with. And I’ve managed to stay so busy that I don’t miss London too much!

I haven’t a clue why there’s just a topiary chilling in the middle of the park, but I like it :)
Category Hawaii | Tags: | 34 Comments