April 9, 2013 by Emma

I can’t believe all the traveling I’ve been doing lately! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this has been my life for the past year. I’m headed back home in a week and a half and I’m torn– on the one hand, I can’t wait to see my family again, but I’m really going to miss Europe. My life is going to become far more boring, though!
I went back to Amsterdam for the weekend and had the most wonderful time. It felt like I had never left. I really enjoyed showing my friend around, it definitely made me feel like a local. On Friday we wandered the city, popping in and out of boutiques and cafes. In the evening, we saw Wild Belle at Paradiso. They’re this really fun band from Chicago– I’m kind of obsessed with the girls voice.

On Saturday, we headed outside of the city to visit Keukenhof, the tulip gardens. Unfortunately, not all of the fields were in bloom as this spring has been so cold, but I still had a lovely time looking at all the different types of tulips that were in the greenhouses. It was sunny out, so we spent ages wandering through the park and even made some friends at the petting zoo ;)
It’s funny how different both Amsterdam and London are, but I love them each so much. London is so much more fast paced and busy, while the vibe in Amsterdam is so much more relaxed. But I wouldn’t trade my time in either place for anything.

Category Amsterdam, Travel, Week in Pictures | Tags: | 11 Comments
December 9, 2012 by Emma

This is what’s left of the so-called blizzard that blew through Holland yesterday. It’s still at the stage where everything is lovely and glistening, but it’s quickly turning to slush. I do love the concept of snow, but I’m not so fond of it in reality. Sure, I’ll go out and frolic for a bit when it first starts falling, but I much prefer to watch it snow from my room with a cup of tea. And, to make matters worse, I always seem to fall when I attempt to walk in the snow, no matter how deliberately I step. So despite my best efforts at staying warm, I always end up with a soggy bum.
I feel like I’m hitting up the blogger cliches with this outfit– stripes, mustard, topknot, red lips– but it can’t be helped! I was trying to channel a Swedish vibe, and clearly all bloggers are obsessed with Sweden. The reason for this Scandinavian style? I’m going to Stockholm for the upcoming weekend! You have no idea how excited I am, Sweden has been the place I most wanted to visit and I feel like it’ll be absolutely magical during the Christmas season! I can’t compare to those effortlessly cool Scandinavian ladies, but I can try. It does get hard to look effortless when you wear approximately 4 sweaters and a puffy coat, but hey, I’m from Hawaii. I get cold.

Category Amsterdam, Outfits | Tags: | No Comments
November 25, 2012 by Emma

I’m really loving the fall colors lately and its definitely showing in my outfits. I got this vintage sweater the other day at the Waterlooplein flea market. It’s a bit ridiculous, but sometimes a girl just needs a shirt with a bus on it. It probably used to belong to a 10 year old boy– nothing wrong with that! I do sometimes wish that I could have a more defined sense of style, but I just like to wear too many different things. One day I’ll want to dress in all black with stompy boots and the next I’ll be wearing lace with flowers in my hair.
I went to Rotterdam with a couple of people from my study abroad program yesterday. It was… an experience. It was a nice enough city, but I do much prefer my cities old and historic. Honestly, I think I’m just a country girl at heart. Rotterdam just felt much too modern to me. We took a walking tour of the city, which was interesting, and I got to visit the cube houses that I had heard so much about. They were fascinating and truly an example of adapting to a difficult living space. I can’t complain about decorating my little dorm room, at least I have vertical walls! I don’t think I could manage in such an awkward space, though– the stairs were ridiculously steep and I did bang my head quite a few times on the sloped walls.

The famous cube houses

It was so foggy by the end of the tour that we could barely see anything.
It made for a great atmosphere down at the harbor, though!
Category Amsterdam, Outfits | Tags: | 1 Comment
November 15, 2012 by Emma

So, you know how I mentioned doing a shoot a couple months ago? Well, I’ve finally gotten around to posting the images! The photographer was Elena Pasca who was absolutely fantastic to work with. She has such a great energy and a really unique eye. Do be sure to check her out! It was absolutely freezing during the shoot (what’s new?), but I think we managed to get some really fun shots despite the terrible weather. Luckily, it didn’t start pouring until my bike ride home…

This shot makes me think of the cover of a young adult novel ;)
Category Amsterdam, Modeling | Tags: | 1 Comment
October 14, 2012 by Emma

I feel like all the reading I’ve been doing for my literature class has really begun to affect my clothing choices! I’ve been writing an essay on Wuthering Heights while at the same time reading War and Peace. I feel so English tweedy in my blazer and the (faux) fur just feels so Russian to me. And it doesn’t help that Downton Abbey has started again– I would gladly live in a period piece if I could! I’m in love with this season so far, I’m so glad I don’t have to wait until next year to watch it in the States. If I can have half as much poise as Lady Mary, I’ll be happy. And I’ll take Sybil’s voice while I’m at it!

A friend and I went to NEMO, the children’s science museum, the other day and it was so much fun! While the museum is geared for children, it doesn’t mean that two twenty year olds can’t enjoy it too. I particularly liked the section they had on engineering, especially because it was so interactive. You got to build miniature towers and bridges and see how they held up to wind, floods, and earthquakes. Another great thing about NEMO is the view from the roof! They converted the entire roof into a garden with the most amazing view of the city. In the summer they screen movies up there as well. I’m always so impressed by all the museums and cultural activities that Amsterdam has to offer.

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