Venus in Furs

October 14, 2012

I feel like all the reading I’ve been doing for my literature class has really begun to affect my clothing choices! I’ve been writing an essay on Wuthering Heights while at the same time reading War and Peace. I feel so English tweedy in my blazer and the (faux) fur just feels so Russian to me. And it doesn’t help that Downton Abbey has started again– I would gladly live in a period piece if I could! I’m in love with this season so far, I’m so glad I don’t have to wait until next year to watch it in the States. If I can have half as much poise as Lady Mary, I’ll be happy. And I’ll take Sybil’s voice while I’m at it!

A friend and I went to NEMO, the children’s science museum, the other day and it was so much fun! While the museum is geared for children, it doesn’t mean that two twenty year olds can’t enjoy it too. I particularly liked the section they had on engineering, especially because it was so interactive. You got to build miniature towers and bridges and see how they held up to wind, floods, and earthquakes. Another great thing about NEMO is the view from the roof! They converted the entire roof into a garden with the most amazing view of the city. In the summer they screen movies up there as well. I’m always so impressed by all the museums and cultural activities that Amsterdam has to offer.

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