I can’t believe it’s August already! This summer has flown by– I’ve been trying to make the most of it, though, and head out on lots of little adventures with my family and friends. One such adventure was a trip to Kailua’s newest farmers market. When I lived in Amsterdam, I really enjoyed heading to the weekly market to shop for fresh fruits and veggies (and let me tell you, haggling in Dutch is not easy!). It was great to get back in the market scene and support local! I grabbed a bunch of carrots more for their fabulous heads than any real necessity, but they made a great addition to my lunch salad.
Don’t tell anyone, but I totally brought the flowers in my bag with me as a photoshoot prop. You would not believe how many people complimented me on them and asked where they could get their own! I couldn’t very well say that it was all staged for my blog ;)