Long time no see! Sorry about that– it’s been rather hectic in this neck of the woods. I’m back in Europe for my second semester of studying abroad, this time I’ll be spending the next three months in London! It was absolutely lovely being home for the holidays, but it felt far too short. So far, the city has been absolutely amazing. I haven’t gotten much time to explore on my own yet, but my study abroad program took us on a bus tour the other day which was a great way of seeing the sights and getting oriented. London is so much bigger than Amsterdam, so navigating the city is proving to be a bit more challenging. I miss being able to bike anywhere I needed to go within a half an hour!
Hopefully I’ll be finding “my” spots in London soon. I’ve been scoping out cute cafes in the hopes that I’ll find somewhere that I’ll become a regular (they knew my name and drink order back in Amsterdam– probably means I drink too much coffee!). And with any luck, I’ll be volunteering at the V&A! Now I just need to work on my British accent and I’ll be all set ;)
ps- Of course I listened to this song on repeat during my flight over

Love love love that first photo :)
beautiful photos! xx
The Provocative Couture