Polka Time

May 1, 2013



Well, I’m back in Hawaii for the Summer! I’m going through London withdrawals, but it is nice to be back home for a bit. The best part about being back has got to be my puppy, although she’s not very puppy-sized any more! I’ve been trying to get a good picture of her, but she’s notoriously camera-shy. And she’s far too wiggly to hold still long enough to focus on. I’ve already managed to get a bit of a sun-burn– clearly I’m not used to sunshine! Other than getting burnt and playing with my mutts, I’ve been busy applying for internships. So far, so good; but more about that later– I wouldn’t want to jinx it!

I got this dress at the Battersea Boot sale a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of spring. Now that I’m back in Hawaii, it finally feels appropriate to wear it. I love wearing clothes that I bought on my travels– a better souvenir, for sure, than something out of a tacky tourist shop. And I’m wearing yet another hat– I can’t seem to get dressed without adding a chapeau. Maybe I’ll make it my signature look?




  1. Matea says:

    Wow what a cute dress, love it so much! :) Have a wonderful time in Hawaii and good luck with the internships, I hope you’ll find something amazing :)

  2. liv says:

    you look ADORABLE~ Looooving the hat!


  3. iEmma says:

    omg! you look SO adorable and perfect!!<3
    Emma xx

  4. Kristian says:

    If hats become your signature look, no one could be surprised. You look fantastic in hats! Good luck with internship hunting!

  5. jeeda says:

    love your dress! so gorgeous and perfect for spring
    ..love how you’ve toughen it up with a leather jacket


  6. Sam says:

    What a wonderful outfit! Polkadots sure are the best, love how you combined the dress with that jacket. Gives it a little more of an edge :)

    x Sam

  7. Rose says:

    Love the outfit, especially those shoes :)
    Thank you for stopping by at our blog and leaving a sweet comment.


  8. Jessi says:

    Lucky girl living in London AND Hawaii! I LOVE Hawaii! And I’ve yet to visit London…sigh…someday :) You look stunning, I love your hair it’s beautiful and this dress is darling. Hats are always the perfect touch!

  9. Imogen says:

    Amazing dress, I adore polka dots and it is such a great colour too

  10. andy says:

    I really like the dress,pretty ;)

  11. Jodi says:

    that dress is so pretty and really suits you :) gorgeous outfit!

  12. Stacey says:

    Gorgeous outfit!

  13. Rakhshanda says:

    Such a beautiful dress <3

    Nice blog honey…do check out mine!

  14. polly bland says:

    I wish I had your legs!!

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