1. My Week in Pictures #2

    March 17, 2013



    I could not have had a more amazing time in Paris. It really is the most magical city– I don’t think I could ever tire of visiting. This past weekend the sun was shining and there were hardly any tourists about! Judging by how sore my legs are, my friend Ryan and I probably walked the whole of Paris. I don’t know how those French girls manage in their heels on those cobblestones! Our weekend mostly consisted of wandering about and poking around different shops, cafes, and museums. So, basically the ideal trip :)

    I’ve got much more to say about Paris as soon as I catch up on my homework (and go through the millions of photos I took)!



    Earlier this week, I walked in a fashion show for NARS makeup. It was in this stately building near Hyde Park– much fancier than I expected. So I was feeling a bit nervous on my way in! It was so much fun, though. It’s always tough being the new-girl, as all the other models knew each other, but I needn’t have worried as all the girls I met were absolutely lovely! I got all dolled up with a smokey eye and a super tight ponytail. Apparently my hair is rather unruly– I was being chased around with hairspray cans and bobby pins all morning! I really liked my outfit too– I was wearing a dress and jacket from Sameulla Pallmer. It had a really fun “college prep” look. I wanted to keep that jacket so badly! There were four different collections being shown and I loved the others as well.

    I love runway. The energy backstage is amazing and you just feel so powerful when you’re on the catwalk. I didn’t realize until I turned around that there was a massive projection of my face on the screen behind me as I walked. I actually think I’m glad I didn’t know! After the show was over, I got a goodie bag full on Nars makeup. I’m having fun with all my new products and wearing blush for the first time! I just hope I don’t get used to the expensive stuff, because I’m going back to my drugstore makeup when it’s used up!

    Hope you all had a lovely week! Did you get up to anything fun?



  2. My Week in Pictures #1

    March 10, 2013






    What a week! Very busy, but what’s new? I just got back from spending a day in Brighton. I fell in love with that city and am already planning when to squeeze another trip into my schedule. After a bit of wandering along the beach, my friends and I headed up towards the heart of the city. We took a tour through the Royal Pavillion, which was absolutely insane. Think orientalism times a million with a generous splash of tacky. There were sculptures of dragons holding up massive chandeliers and banquet halls where dinners with over 100 courses were served. Obviously, I loved it! I wish they would have let you take pictures inside, but alas, you’ll have to go there yourself to see it! We grabbed a quick lunch and headed off to do some shopping in the Lanes. We stumbled upon an antique market called Snoopers Paradise and I just about went to heaven. I could spend hours looking through antiques. And the store had a photobooth! I can never resist a good photobooth so, like the good blogger cliche that I am, had to take a couple quick snaps. Unfortunately, we weren’t very good at squeezing us all in the frame, so you only get me and my friend Ryan!

    I’ve been doing a lot of drawing in museums for one of my art classes. This week we were studying the Rococo period, so I drew from a Fragonard in the National Gallery. I love drawing in public, even though I get so self-conscious about my work. Last week, when I was drawing from an Italian Renaissance painting, a super cute guy sat down next to me and pulled out his own drawing supplies. Five minutes later, I look over and the guy next to me had created the most stunning replica of the painting in front of us. I swear, he was Michelangelo reincarnated. So, I just left. What else was I to do?

    Earlier this week, I did a ballet inspired shoot with a final year student from the University of East London. It was so fun! I really loved the concept and Jess, the photographer, was great to work with. We did some film shots too– can’t wait to see how they turned out. We worked with a really talented (and sweet!) makeup artist named Lorna! I was so pleased with the makeup she came up with that I left it on for the rest of the day. A bit much for my evening study group?

    Now I just have to get busy with all my coursework :O

  3. Fur for me and you

    March 6, 2013




    I wore this little get-up to style stalk at London Fashion Week a couple of weeks ago and I recently re-wore it for a day at the Natural History museum. Only appropriate, right? I don’t know why these two things seem to have similar dress codes in my mind, but there you go! This way I can commune more with my taxidermied friends at the museum!

    I didn’t realize it until now, but I got the the entire outfit at the Battersea car boot. I was so pleased when found this faux fur coat for five pounds, as I’ve been wanting a furry jacket for ages. These fake leather shorts were another happy purchase.

    I had such a great time at the Natural History Museum. I’ll always pass by it, but have never gone in until now. I’ve always loved dinosaurs (anyone remember Dinotopia?!), so as soon as I walked in and saw “Dippy” in the lobby, I knew I was in my element. And anyone who knows me can attest that I do have a fondness for taxidermy. I was only disappointed that there wasn’t a wooly mammoth ;-)




  4. Spring, Sprung

    February 26, 2013




    I’ve got Paris on my mind! I’m hoping to make it over there in March for my birthday. I went last term and loved it so much that I have to go back. Do you have any fun places for me to check out? I’d love to discover more of the city! In other news, spring is on its way! I found these intrepid little daffodils today and their cheery color are a nice change to the grey and drizzle of London lately.

    This is my version of a go-to outfit: all black (like my soul, haha) with some sort of head covering to hide the fact that I haven’t washed my hair in far too long. It is mid-terms week after all! I had a literature exam this morning and after that had ended, I headed off to my favorite cafe to get a bit more reading done. I’m addicted to their Rooibos Chai. And now I really ought to get back to work on my essay!

    PS- Hello to all my new visitors! I really appreciate all your comments, they make my day!




  5. London Fashion Week

    February 20, 2013



    I just managed to catch the final day of London Fashion Week and I wish I had been able to make it earlier! It was such a great experience and while I didn’t get to check out any of the shows, the people-watching outside was more than worth it. There was such an energy about the whole of Somerset House, where the shows were held, and you could tell that something big was happening. Now I’ve just got to figure out a way of getting to NYFW next year! And I’ve figured out the trick for getting on street style blogs (aside from wearing as crazy an outfit as possible): you walk like you own the place, people will think you’re important. And being important means that you get your picture taken and clearly I love having my picture taken ;)

    There were some pretty over the top get-ups, but a lot of black on black as well. You know, the typical NY fashion editor look. Trend wise, neon is seriously having its moment. Normally such bright colors aren’t really my thing, but I love it as an accent.

    Also- I was interviewed about my thoughts on LFW Here at Dijon Vu (it doesn’t seem to work in firefox, but check it out in another browser!)
